Virtual Event 2: Flexible Working For Business Improvement

Virtual Event 2: Flexible Working For Business Improvement

Free to attend – email to register


Want to find out more about the benefits to your company and employees of flexible working?

2020 has opened all of our eyes to the benefits, challenges and potential of flexible working, and there has never been a better time to plan how that will be embedded long term in your business.

Hosted by the Rail Cluster Builder Project in conjunction with Women in Rail Scotland, we invite you all to join us for a morning event focused on flexible working.



Key Speakers

Lisa Gallagher and Nikki Slowey

Co-Founders of Flexibility Works

Nicola Spence

Airbus Program Director, Spirit Aerosystems


The Mon-Fri, 9-5 way of working has been becoming outdated for years – even before COVID 87% of full-time employees either worked flexibly or said they wanted to. Meanwhile, organisations that have been embracing flexible working are citing clear business benefits as a result. Flexible employers report having more engaged and committed employees improved retention rates, better ability to attract talent, and increased productivity.

The COVID pandemic has accelerated the pace of change in how we work. Millions of workers have experimented with home working, working hours have been thrown up in the air as people adapt, mindsets about flexible working have shifted and demand for flexible working is currently at an all-time high, with 44% of the workforce set to request more flexible working when coronavirus restrictions are lifted. So, if there was ever a time to get on board with flexible working it is now.

Maybe you are seeking more flexible working in your own life and we will have a section all about how to go about achieving this.

This webinar is aimed at anyone with an interest in creating a more flexible working culture within their workplace, or anyone keen to explore their own flexible working options.


The Rail Cluster Builder

Scottish Engineering is working with Scottish Enterprise alongside Transport Scotland to set up a Rail Cluster Builder for the rail sector in Scotland. The rail cluster will link Scottish SMEs with rail manufacturers, contractors, academics, and research centres across the country to identify more environmentally friendly track and train solutions.

The purpose of the cluster builder is to communicate and raise awareness of the opportunities in the rail sector in Scotland and to support the recently issued Government’s Rail Decarbonisation Action in which the aim is to make Scotland a world leader in creating net-zero emissions railways.

The Rail Cluster Builder will begin life as a digital project with a number of events bringing the parties together online in the initial months. However, the ambition is there within Scottish Enterprise for this to develop into a physical cluster of businesses and research centres in Scotland, collaborating to deliver a world-class manufacturing capability in low-carbon rail transport.


Register for this free event by emailing


Total Seats: 250

Event Schedule Details

  • 12 November 2020 9:30 am   -   10:30 am
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