04 October 2023
8:00 am
Online Webinar
Join us on Wednesday 4th October 0800 – 0830 for our next breakfast briefing, on the topic of Attracting and Developing Young Talent, in partnership with Fuel Change. In order to ease concerns with recruitment and retention, Fuel Change is empowering the next generation with enhanced skills and abilities to create a pipeline of talent for businesses, especially those involved in the transition to net zero. This is delivered through an established programme of change which Fuel Change embed in schools, colleges and business which is specifically focussed on meta-skills with a wrap around of sustainability.
There is an opportunity for all employers to be part of what it does and how it delivers to the benefit of your business and in the session Fuel Change will walk through what it does, how it does it and how that can deliver for you. Fuel Change is currently in 50 secondary schools with an embedded curriculum programme for 5th/6th years which provided an SCQF level 6 qualification – by this time next year it aims to be in 200 and connecting the workforce of the future with jobs.