11 October 2022
8:30 am
Online Webinar
Net Zero Home | Webinars On-Demand
Please note the new date above.
Join us in partnership with Texo for an inside look at their Net Zero story. Texo’s first step in its environmental journey is becoming a Carbon Neutral Business. Working with Carbon Neutral Britain, they have calculated and offset their carbon emissions produced directly and indirectly from their activities. They are now working on a range of initiatives to reduce, and eventually eliminate, the carbon emissions they produce.
Rebecca Rainbow, Group HSEQ Manager will share their learnings and findings on their Net Zero journey to date. our last webinar, we presented a process, using lean thinking tools, that can be used to develop a Net Zero roadmap.
Navigating Net-Zero can be a daunting prospect; therefore, we are extending the offer of tailored guidance through our free 1-2-1 sessions. Our net-zero project lead, Dr. Eric Boinard is on hand to assist SMEs to begin planning their own net-zero route map to ensure that they’re ready to play a role in Scotland’s green recovery, and take full advantage of any opportunities that may come their way. If you’d like to arrange a 1-2-1 session, please contact Eric Boinard ericboinard@scottishengineering.org.uk to discuss further.