23 May 2022
11:02 am
Online Webinar
The Rail Cluster Project apologises for any inconvenience, however, this event has been postponed to a later date in the near future.
We hope that you can join us when we reannounce the date for this exciting event!
A report released last year by City & Guilds and the National Skills Academy for Rail (NSAR) forecast that the rail industry will need between 7,000 and 12,000 additional workers each year for the next five to ten years.
The Rail Cluster Project makes connections for SMEs in the engineering and manufacturing sectors in Scotland seeking to diversify into the rail market or grow their existing business in rail, and an integral part of this work is understanding the skills required to deliver the £bn of Government investment in the rail network and identifying where there are skills gaps and shortages.
Come along to this interactive session on Tuesday 24 May, 1300-1400 where you will hear from Neil Robertson, Chief Executive of NSAR, who will give us a clear picture of the skills challenges across the rail sector and what actions need to be taken to address the skills gaps and labour shortages.
You will also hear from Marie Gray, HR Manager and Scott Ambrose, Technical Manager from Brodie Engineering based in Kilmarnock, who will give an operational perspective on the skills challenges and the actions they are taking to address them.
1300 Welcome from the Rail Cluster Project
1305 Neil Robertson, NSAR
1330 Marie Gray and Scott Ambrose, Brodie Engineering
1350 Q&A
1400 Close
The National Skills Academy for Rail is an employer-led, not-for-profit, member organisation established to enable the sector to deliver a modern and efficient, world class railway through the development of a highly skilled and productive workforce. NSAR is trusted by the rail industry to provide workable solutions for the provision of skills needed for the increasing demands of a modern railway. We are all about developing people to excel every day, challenging the status quo and inspiring a change in the way skills and competencies are delivered.
Brodie Engineering offers a comprehensive range of refurbishment, maintenance, overhaul, engineering support, project management, and repair services to the UK rail and light rail sector. Brodie Engineering operates from our two depots in Kilmarnock, Scotland and provides a mobile service to the rail industry over the length and breadth of the UK and Ireland. Our Engineering team undertakes design and development work with an innovative and proactive approach to resolving engineering issues. This includes mechanical and electrical engineering design as well as reverse engineering for obsolescence and the development of new equipment and materials.